Quilt Pattern

Jelly Roll Quilt Pattern


Hello my darlings what a joy to have you here again on the Mommy blog. Today we are excited and anxious to present this wonderful pattern. We also want to talk about our passion for quilting, we know that some people are first time quilters, many are those who seek to maintain the family tradition and others who are learning. Quilt is nothing more than our memory bound by threads and sewn with a needle.This pattern that we bring you here today is loaded with memories and very much the Jelly Roll Quilt.

Created by Bonnie Boots, this pattern is a family tradition, because besides everything it is closely linked to her family history, from her mother to her grandparents.And the quilt is really that, it’s a connection with our ancestry. This pattern brings as a mold the formation of blocks together and to finish the quilts, the “birth method” is used, that is, layers are placed with the right sides together, then the edges are sewn, leaving an opening to turn. Then you reach the opening and turn the quilt right side out, and a quilt is born! Next they tied the layers together with polyester thread.


Daisy’s Garden Quilt Pattern

Finally we have a pattern of a shell of many layers, great to be used in times of cold, our creator used this quilt always with her brothers.The Jelly Roll pattern is great for you who would like to start a family tradition in the quilt business, you can simply pass this quilt on to a loved one, and they will continue the pattern. Here we present a tutorial to get you started in this tradition. Our creator of this pattern also started this way, so why not start too, right?This beautiful quilt has all the charm of a scrap quilt but can be made from a jelly roll of 2 1/2″ strips. While strip-sets speed construction, the quilt could also be made from 2 1/2″ square scraps.


And now you can also put together a combination of leftover roll jelly strips from your stash. Don’t worry about the darks and lights or color coordination. We have reserved here for you a step by step tutorial for that.It is very good to always want to learn more and here we will learn together. The tutorial we are going to present comes in PDF format, which means that its access is easy and without any complication.Spreading the idea of well-made quilts is our mission and we are sure you will love it. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time you make this pattern, the important thing is that you keep practicing every day, ok. We love to quilt and we love it when we do it together with you.We love to quilt and we love it when we do it together with you. We at Mommy’s blog want to wish you that will practice this pattern a good job, and know that we will always be ready with news to serve you all. Quilt is our passion. Good job.


Daisy’s Garden Quilt Pattern

SEE TOO : Fancy Parlor Quilt



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