Tonga Focus Frequency Quilt
Hello my beloveds, this is Mommy speaking, what a joy to have you here with us again. We are very happy to be able to share one more pattern with you, and this pattern is very special and its name is Tonga Focus Frequency Quilt.We are excited, we are always looking for colorful and different patterns, patterns that will make your home more beautiful. And today we’re going to show you one that is a real eye-catcher.This was a very well done work by Tonga Focus Frequency Quilt, a perfect choice, a magnificent work, everything perfect, simply beautiful and with a splendid creativity.

Everything I was looking for, I found in this pattern and I am studying hard to make it perfect, when I start making it I want it to be perfectly beautiful. Guys this is not a difficult pattern to make and can be made with scraps using different types of fabrics, we can use all our creativity learning and having fun at the same time, because everything we put our heart into is beautiful.Really this was a very well worked pattern and Tonga Focus Frequency Quilt has dared and made its pattern unique and perfectly splendid the colors and designs used in the right measure very tasteful, and the best: The designer who created it was of an enormous sensitivity.
A really beautiful pattern to see. First of all, we have to dedicate ourselves completely if we want a job like this, from a quiet place and dedicate ourselves only to it and nothing else, so that we can have the same result. I am learning a lot from this job and discovering many new things. We are very excited to start soon, I can’t wait to see this pattern finished and I really want it to have the same touch and delicacy to enjoy in the comfort of my home and it will be completely beautiful and elegant.
When we chose this pattern, I was immediately sure that I made the right choice and I immediately identified with all its beauty and delicacy in every detail. It will not be easy, but I will dedicate myself to it to the utmost and I know it will be splendid. I want to thank the Tonga Focus Frequency Quilt, for making this magnificent work available and teaching us more and more.
Magnificent pattern done to perfection.We leave here the step by step that the designer (This Tonga Focus Frequency Quilt designed by Osie Lebowitz of Timeless Treasures fabrics) has provided for us, we hope you like it, until next time my loves. A kiss from Mommy.
SEE TOO : Dresden Bicycle Quilt