Mosaic Courtyard Quilt
Hello my beloveds, what a joy to have you here once again to talk about creative crafts. Today we are going to talk about a pattern that won our hearts. The Mosaic Courtyard Quilt designed by Robert Kaufman Fabrics. Yes Robert gave us a beautiful pattern to talk about here.Before we talk about the pattern itself, remembering that you will have here a complete step by step. Let’s talk about mosaics. Mosaic is an ancient decorative art that brings together small pieces of different colors to form a large figure. From Greek, the term mosaic (mouseĆ®n) is related to the muses. It represents the close collage of small pieces, forming a visual effect (be it a drawing, figure, representation) that involves organization, combination of colors, materials, and geometric figures, as well as creativity and patience.
The mosaic art technique consists in placing tesserae, which are small stone fragments, such as marble and granite molded with tagliolo and martellina, semi-precious stones, glass tesserae, pebbles, and other materials, on any surface. The oldest record of the date of mosaics made was in 3,500 B.C., in the city of Ur, in the Mesopotamian region. The “Banner of Ur” consists of two rectangular panels of 55 cm, made of reddish sandstone and lapis lazuli. In ancient Egypt, there were precious works made on sarcophagi of ancient mummies; there were also mosaics decorating columns and temple walls.
Among the Greeks, there were floors made with pieces of white or colored marble, embedded in a compact and very resistant mass. A motif that achieved a certain success in Greece was of doves, known as “Pliny’s little birds”. In Rome this art began in the 1st century B.C. and was widely used in flooring, murals fountains and even transportable panels. In Pompeii specifically, it was a hotbed of mosaicists who from the powerful and the wealthy to the general populace appreciated this art.
The history of mosaic is amazing, and here we will show you a beautiful pattern with mosaic.To talk about the pattern created beautifully by Robert, we have the notion that his creativity was enormous, the shape and the final effect is eye-popping. Every detail is done with precision. Just imagine being able to make this pattern at home. This is wonderful.In the Paleo-Christian period, a new era opens for mosaic: Byzantine art, which is the true triumph of the visual arts of Christianity.In the step by step instructions provided you will be able to make the pattern in a wonderful way. You can decorate any room with this quilt, and I bet your home will be even more beautiful. Below is the step-by-step. We will be back soon with more patterns. A kiss from Mommy and until next time.