Crochet Pattern

Ten-Stitch Twist Blanket


Hello  beloved ones here who is talking is Mommy, today I came especially to talk about a beautiful project we did and I want to share it with you. It was one of those projects that I really enjoyed working on, then wished it was already finished, and once it was finished and photographed, I was sad that it was over. Who knew knitting could turn you into such an emotional mess?

The original pattern is Ten Stitch Twist by Frankie Brown which is available as a free download on Ravelry. The yarn used is Sirdar Hayfield Spirit DK in a shade called Sundown. It was very nice to work with. I used 3mm needles because I like the knitting to be very tight, but in hindsight I would use slightly thicker needles (maybe 4mm) as they would not affect the tightness as much, but would help the blanket to be finished a little faster. I used it to cover my legs while working on it and it is warm as a penny.I took this blanket on vacation and knitted it at my parents’ house and spent many happy moments with it while drinking coffee and watching TV. However, I kept getting distracted and would miss the stitch where I had to knit and turn an incomplete row. I only discovered that I can use stitch markers where I need to do this when the blanket is almost done. Silly me!The only small problem I had was with the center of the twist –


I made it too big, and when I was knitting around it, the whole center wiggled and looked more like a hat than a flat blanket. I settled for that, but in the end, once the blanket was soaked and stretched, I let the center dry almost as flat as the rest of it.

My dears I will share here the step by step for you, that you can do at home. To decorate a room or to give to someone you love. A kiss from Mommy until next time.



SEE TOO : Rainbow Ripple Baby Blanket Crochet



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