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The environments of your home say everything about you, learn the meaning of the word decoration! Decoration is an art, a gift. As the dictionary says, to decorate is the act of embellishing, beautifying, adorning, decorating, or ornamenting. It is to make something more beautiful, more harmonious. The decoration of environments is also a gesture of love. It is to personify the place where you live, to put your style on the place where you live. It is very gratifying to “see yourself” in the decorated rooms of your house, whether at home or in an apartment, decorated rooms make any place more “pleasant”.
It doesn’t matter the style: the room decoration can be thematic, irreverent, or follow the already established decoration styles: clean, retro, vintage, romantic, shabby chic, country, classic or contemporary, what matters is that the room decoration leaves your home with your “face”. Interior decorating doesn’t necessarily depend on how much money you have. It depends on creativity.Since we usually live in a house for a long time, renewing the decoration from time to time is a way to move from house to house, even without leaving home, adapting our home to new styles and life phases that arise.
Have you ever heard the expression “your home is a reflection of your interior”? It’s true: the act of decorating goes far beyond just beautifying the environment. In fact, it represents the materialization of your personality in the space. It is a way of appropriating it and saying: “it’s yours! To go deeper into the subject, we interviewed the architect, professor, and writer Glaucus Cianciardi, an expert in the psychology of decoration, to better understand the question that opens this article: “why do we decorate and what is the importance of decoration in our lives? Why is the act of decorating important to us?

It all started when our ancestors understood the importance of having a protected space. Caves provided safety from predators, night shelter, and food storage. Only after this did men started to erect their habitat: he understood that by transforming his refuge, he takes possession of this place. Decorating is an element of ancestral survival, a biophilic matter, as Edward O. Wilson would say. In other words, in Dionne Warwick’s song, “A house is not a home. A house only becomes a home when the built space is inhabited and personified by its occupants.
The natural process of territorial domination occurs through the way in which the individual composes his or her private space, through the colors, furniture, and objects they choose to realize their dream of living. So, if the act of decorating means taking possession of a space while materializing one’s own personality, to what extent is professional help (architect, interior designer, decorator…) beneficial?Architecture, in a generic way, shows the world the values of a society or social group, revealing its culture and aesthetics. Interior design and decoration, on the other hand, allow the architectural space to be personified in a more individualized way, making it possible to identify the character of each inhabitant in their domain area.
The good architectural or interior design professional is precisely the one who understands the dimension of his participation in a project: his role is to serve as an interlocutor between the client’s desires, who considers himself unable to transform his own space, and the physical and aesthetic materialization of this desire. What is the role of decoration in the daily life of a house and in the experience of people in this space? Decoration brings physical and psychological comfort to human beings, enabling them to enjoy the space in a much more comprehensive way. It delimits in an ethological way the territorial domains, identifying the space’s degree of belonging. The aesthetic values provided by decoration certainly improve our daily lives: a well arranged breakfast table in a well-planned space, for example, certainly leads us to a better day. As Stendhal once said: “Beauty is a promise of happiness.

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