Large Hexagon Quilt
Hello my loves, here who talks to you again is Mommy! What a joy to talk to you! excited to see this great hexagon quilt tutorial?! This Halloween Quilt can be prepared quickly using a hexagonal half quilt ruler, this Hexagonal Quilt Pattern is made with the Halloween theme, but you can easily use this Large Hexagon Quilt Pattern to make a quilt for any season or occasion. It doesn’t have to be a Halloween quilt. This pattern would also make a great baby quilt! However, the large hexagonal shape lends itself well to large and innovative prints. It is a great patchwork if you want to use a lot of fabric leftovers.
Typically, when you join hexagons to a quilt, you end up with a hard-to-sew Y-stitch. To avoid sewing Y-seams, use a special half hexagon ruler when cutting the quilt. By cutting the hexagon in half, you can avoid this by sewing 1/2 hexagonal shapes together in rows, thus avoiding Y-seams. It is important that you plan ahead and get the look you want.If you’d like to make one here’s how you can do it! LARGE HEXAGON QUILT PATTERN: Materials: Quilt Size: The quilt is “about” 40″ wide by 60″ tall. Since it is made from Hexagons the math is a bit harder to calculate on a finished size than a quilt made from rectangles. All the material used for this pattern is in the complete link.
STEP ONE: You need to cut 106 half hexagons of the prints into groups of 2 to 53 sets. (remember that the hexagon is cut in half and you sew it again). You can cut any way you find it easier. If you first want to cut 53 cm and10 cm squares, remove their hexagons as much as you can, or you can simply cut them from the folded fabric. This is what I did.If you have a rotating cutting mat, it has done a quick job of cutting the shapes. If you have a Moda dessert roll, they are just the right size to cut them because the strips are cut 5 ”high. STEP TWO: Then you must plan your layout before you start sewing. Ending with 7 semi-hexagons and 15 lines in total.
You will need to use a design wall or just place the pieces on the floor. Make sure your prints match to create the full hexagon when sewn.STEP THREE: Now start sewing the 1/2 hexagon shapes per thread. Be sure to keep them in exactly the same order as you put them. Use a 1/4 ”seam allowance. Label the lines with a water-soluble pen to know in what order they come back together. Now press the seams to one side. Press the seams on the # odd lines on the right and the seams on the # even lines on the left. STEP FOUR: Then sew your threads together!